Wednesday 7 October 2009

Props & Equipment

The props and equipment of the advert obviously must be relevant to the product or what ever the advert is trying to sell to you. For example, it would be strange for a kitchen cleaning product advert to have props such a games console in the background, as it does not have any relevance to the product. If something like this occurs then it will take the focus off the product the advert is trying to sell, and the consumer will become confused which will decrease the chances of them buying the product.

The props all contribute to the mise en scene of the certain advertisement, the mise en scene creates realism in adverts. The advertisements we analysed (see other advertisements) were the well known PG tips adverts, we see mise en scene in these advertisements. The most recent advert selling PG tips is set in a kitchen area, with props such as a kettle, teabags and a stove etc. We associate all of these things with a kitchen setting and this creates the realism we are talking about. The kitchen sets the scene for the viewer , when they see these props ( the mise en scene) they immediately know where they are which in turn helps with the understanding of the product. As if the product of PG tips was in a bathroom it would confuse the viewer and it would take their mind off of the product which is being sold to them.

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