Sunday 11 October 2009

Again we see a close up used here, to heighten the tension of the kettle taking its time to boil. We also focus on flame here, this will make it easier to compare when we introduce electricity to the advert. As we must make it clear to the viewer that boiling water is going to take a long time when boiling on an open flame, where as electricity is going to be 10 times quicker. This shot also helps us to establish the old kettle, highlighting the whole point of the advertisement.

The stove is also in the bottom of the shot, adding to the mise en scene of the image. This will remain the addressee of where the advert has been set and what time era it is in. For example if it were the same but on a digital plate it wouldn't have the same effect, it would not have the same impact because it is not realistic at all. We use the fade out to black technique here as well. Creating a sense of time passing by.

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