Sunday 11 October 2009

This second shot will be all based around the Kettle.
We will use short fast cut edits to demonstrate the different angles of the 'old' rustic kettle, highlighting what is important of the advert and what the advert is all about.

This Kettle must be portrayed as a slow frustrating object, the object that is to be replaced by a quicker and better model. In our advert we would like to stress the importance of a kettle and how it was when first invented, we feel this is a good way to promote a new product, by comparison with an old one. This then means that the viewer will compare the two different products. We highlight the kettle as the important factor in the advert by using a powerful light directly on the kettle, if a light is not shown in the kettle at one given point it is because we want to highlight maybe the reaction and facial expressions of the actor or actress.

The sound again is the same as the first scene, slow and not exciting. As much as it is important to make the music create the mood, it is also important to maintain the music. This ensures that the viewer knows throughout the advert that she/he is still in the same setting. And maintaining the music also makes the change of music later on in the advert more dramatic and effective.

The shots used in this scene were mainly slow zooms and slow cut edits mainly fading away into black. Having a slow zoom will create a sense of longing and that time is moving slowly. In film, fade away edits to black are mainly used to show that time has passed, so in using them alot in our adverts we can also ensure that the viewer will feel that time has been passed.

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