Sunday 11 October 2009

This stage of the advert shows the frustration of the women. A close up is used here to emphasis her expression of anger towards her kettle. Close ups are used to create a sense of tension, by using this type of camera shot you can focus on certain objects and make them stand out.

Relating to our advertisement, we use the close up shot to highlight the fact that the women is getting annoyed about the situation that is arising. The expression on her face immediately suggests that there is tension around the room, and therefore will turn the mood of the advert into a tense one. Adding to the relief when she finds a better model of kettle, the electric kettle will get rid of all the tension in the advert.

This works well in relation to operant conditioning, the viewer will associate the brand new kettle with the disappearance of the tension built up in the advert. An therefore increases the chance of the consumer purchasing our product, as when they see it on the shelves they will associate it with tension vanishing.

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