Sunday 11 October 2009

The next part of the storyboard is again the main focus of time passing, while the old kettle is slowly boiling. We use a close up of the kettle, which emphasises the kettle in question. An old watch is also in this shot, adding to the whole concept of time passing. We use this theme through out the advert, our main aim is to make the viewer compare each products, the old and new kettle.

The concepts of time do change slightly when the adverts progress. When the time era changes from the 1930s to the 1960s the we change the aim. From making the viewer think about how slow the time is, we now want the viewer to feel how quick time is passing. Again talking about the comparison with each kettle.

We also use a zoom on this still image, as again this type of camera shot creates a sense of time passing by. We also use a tilted angle in this scene, the tilted angle is normally used in television when representing confusion. So we used the tilted angle to show the confusion of why the water is boiling so slowly.

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