Sunday 11 October 2009

This is the most vital part of the advertisement, as this shows the jump from 1930s straight to the 1960s, this skip of 30 years also brings in the idea of electricity in the home and how much it is going to be easier to use.

This is also the part of the storyboard where we switch to a much brighter contrast and also colour is introduced, telling the viewer again that we are obviously in a different era now. The costumes also change, from dull coloured formal wear straight to bright colored, funky informal wear. Again this change of fashion is highlighting to the viewer about the two different time periods.

We are going to bring in some graphics in this part of the advert as well, so we can show the addressee about the concept of the new technology that is electricity. Getting this point across is very important as our selling point focuses on how the brand new electric kettle is much quicker than the old style.

This is part of the advert where the music also changes, from a dull slow paced beat to a very high paced fast beat. The introduction of the new kettle brings in also colour to the advert, the introduction of colour brings the advert to life. The viewer will associate the addition of colour with the brand new kettle, colour will represent a more bright and vibrant mood. Now the mood has changed to a much more positive one, with the onset of colour and also a faster paced piece of music. When the music changes, it will have the same effect on the viewer that it does with the introduction of colour. The addressee will now be aware that a change has occured in the advert, the change being the new kettle being introduced.

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