Sunday 11 October 2009

After this we would like to concentrate on the 'Gas'. Gas played a massive part in that time decade, as it was starting to be essential in everyday life. However it was more expensive back then and was also very time consuming. In hindsight, we decided that by promoting electricity in the new and improved kettle it would be a healthy way to also show how useful our Electric Kettle product shall be. So now we have the new element in our selling techniques; it will be much quicker with electricity and not gas.

On this shot, in contrast to the previous, we decided that we wanted to emphasise that gas is slow, we will use a slow zoom in and many different angles of the fire to show that time is passing by. In comparison with the elcectric kettle, we will make it clear to the viewer that by pushing a button you can have bolied water. Instead of having to boil your water over a gas stove which takes a longer period of time.

Again we used fade away edits to black. This gave the impression that time passes and that the kettle is taking a long time to boil.

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