Wednesday 7 October 2009

Lighting & Effects

For lighting and effects we have decided to use a theme of black and white which then transforms into a coloured aspect when time travels. All our lighting and effects have been specifically chosen due to several different factors;

-Emphasis of light and effects
-Time of day
-And when it has been filmed. For example if it were to be filmed before colour television or if it was filmed when colour television was used.

The lighting and effects is key to what of atmosphere we want to create and what certain vibe you want to give off to your audience. We will have to consider all of these elements and demonstrate an understanding of why and how they are used. How they are used to create an advert that will stick in the viewers mind and subconsciously inform them of the product.

After producing a number of scene shots and different ideas with lighting we shall manipulate these into the beast produce possible, to do this we will use photo shop and numerous other programmes to change saturation, mood and correct imperfections. This type of software is vital in our coursework, as it gives us the opportunity to change any errors that occur in our final drafts and also a chance to evaluate them.

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