Sunday 11 October 2009

Advert One (Male Target Audience)

This short story board is an outline of how we see our advert progressing into a successful piece. This first shot will be an establishing shot, to demonstrate the scene and the realism and relation to the audience.

This character has woken up and dressed for work as he would do almost every day. This is the 1930's so everything is styled in that era, including props, costume and hairstyle. Mike is tired of waiting for his Brew in the morning and is already ten minutes late for work! We start the advert in black and white to show the time era. This first shot will be the expression that symbolises impatience that his water is taking too long to boil.

In this shot it is important to make sure that the viewer understands the frustration of the actor, his frustration that his kettle is taking too long to boil. We showed this through the facial expressions of him. For example we use close ups and close up zooms, this ensures that the viewer understands how he is feeling. It was key to make sure that the viewer understands his emotions, as the basis of the whole advert focuses on how angry it is to have a slow boiling kettle.

The sound in this advert also is important, as it is the beginning of the track. The beginning of the track sets up the time era for the advert. For example, we use rather dreary music and this sets up the mood in the advert. The mood being a negative one, negative because of the under performing kettle! If the opening music was to be techno from the 80s it would not give off the right vibe to the audience, because that would create a very high energy and exciting advert.

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