Sunday 11 October 2009

The final shot will be based around the sudden appearance of a mug of tea, showing the result of what the electric can achieve. We are keeping both of our adverts similar, however aiming them at different audiences, a male audience and a female audience. This then gives us a much more of a wider target audience and therefore it will appeal to a much more people, increasing the amount of sales. If our product only came one style, it would have less of an opportunity of selling.

One of our inspirations for naming them Kurt & Kate the
Kettles are that someone of a certain sex can be drawn towards the product, in other words drawn into actually buying the new and improved kettle. Another point we wanted to make was that in naming the kettle, it personifies our product. It gives an extra lovable element to it, there is more of an attachment with the product, rather than calling it `my kettle` you can call it Kurt Or Kate. It works the same as Henry and Henrietta the hoovers, it personalises the object that you are selling.
When highlighting the brand new kettle edits will be sharp and quick. The tempo of the advertisement changes half way through when the new product has been produced in front of the audience. When the edits are much more faster in comparison with the beginning part of the advert, it relates back to our USP (unique selling point.) The new electric kettle is so much more efficient and faster than the old model, so in looking at the slower beginning stage of the advert, once sped up a little more through quick cut edits it also reflects the quickness of the new kettle.

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