Wednesday 10 February 2010

Here is a screen print of our process through the development of our adverts.
This programme is called Fotomagico, it is a slideshow based programme which enables you to transform still images into a moving picture.
This was the basic starting point of each image, firstly we would zoom the image on the starting focal point and work with that to create each slide, you can edit the time of the edits, the change of edit for example, topple, fade, cut ect, and then the image is tied together at the end with the music after alterations.
The process of our adverts were simple once we had adapted the techniques of all tools that we could choose from.
deciding which music to use, for us, was one of the most important aspects as it had to reflect the era of our advert and the time we were trying to portray.
e decided on two different tracks so the tempo changed half way through to elaborate the change of our kettle, from old to new.

By using images that told the story of our kettle progression it meant that we did not have to repeat ourselves with a voice over... we decided that our adverts would be far more successful with images that spoke for themselves, and also every individual would interpret the add in there own way .. for example some my find it comical and others may think its boring however still be intrigued, this way we know it has grabbed there attention. This product is nothing without our audience.